Adult Acne Treatment Products

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

washing your face properly

clearpores acne treatment system smoothens face and skin

A Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Cleansing

1. Remove your makeup before washing your face.

Most cleansers work better and more efficiently if your face is thoroughly wet. Removing your makeup ensures that the oils in the cosmetics would not repel water and allow the cleanser to reach a good lather. You can do this by using baby oil or makeup remover on cotton balls and rubbing the makeup lightly off your face.
healthypores acne treatment product
2. Wash your face thoroughly using lukewarm or room-temperature water.

Never wash your face with water that is too hot or too cold. Extreme temperatures can break capillaries, dehydrate skin, or even aggravate pimples. Studies also show that there is a marked improvement between the effectiveness of cleansers used with water of the right temperature over those that were applied with hot or cold water.

3. Use a gentle anti-acne cleanser specially formulated for your skin type.

If you have hypersensitive skin, you should choose a product that is mild and hypoallergenic. Meanwhile, if you have very oily skin, you might want to choose something that's slightly stronger than your regular cleanser. If you're uncertain about what kind of product to use, you should consult your dermatologist first or just go for one of those dermatologist-tested products that are good for any skin type like the Healthy Pores acne system.

4. Apply a small amount of cleanser on your face.

Pour a pea-sized amount of cleanser on your wet palms and lather it before applying on your face. Since most cleansers are concentrated, they can dehydrate your face and strip it of necessary moisture. Diluting it with water activates its ingredients and allows it to be spread evenly on your face.

Cleansers like Healthy Pores have microbeads loaded with antibacterial agents that act like scrubs so let it work for you. Most people think that the more they scrub, the more dirt they can get off their faces. This is wrong. Not only do they risk breaking capillaries, but scrubbing can also aggravate acne by pushing dirt and bacteria deeper into the pores. What you should do is massage the lather or foam onto your face in a gentle circular motion. This facilitates the blood flow in your face which improves your complexion while allowing the ingredients of your cleanser to penetrate deep in your skin.

5. Rinse your face completely and pat it dry.

Rinse your face with lukewarm running water thoroughly. Although trusted cleansers like Healthy Pores have easy-rinse formulations, it is best to ensure that you thoroughly wash your face of any trace of foam or lather. Not doing so might leave residues behind that can block your pores and aggravate your acne. After rinsing the cleanser off, use a soft, clean towel to dry your face. Never rub the towel on your face as though you are removing stubborn dirt. Just pat it dry with a non-abrasive towel.

If you are using a skin care system like Healthy Pores, you could follow this cleansing ritual with a special toner and moisturizer. Remember that when choosing a toner and a moisturizer, you should go for the ones that are compatible with your cleanser and your skin. However, if you are using a skin care system such as Healthy Pores, product incompatibility should not be a problem.

Now that you know how to properly cleanse your face, acne would surely become the least of your worries. Always keep in mind that a clean skin is a beautiful skin.

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keep your skin clean

healthy pores help keep your skin clean

Why do you need to keep your skin clean?

First and foremost, the skin is the outermost layer of the body and is essentially its first line of defense against various elements. It covers approximately 19 square feet, so it's more or less the largest organ of your body.
cure acne with healthypores acne treatment
What's more, the skin (particularly that on the face) is the first thing people see when they look at you, so it's really important that you keep it clean, smooth, and acne-free. The only way you can do that is if you follow a good skin regimen.

The truth is that there is only one good skin regimen and it includes three (sometimes four) steps: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. These three skin care steps are the basics, and they should be done everyday if you really want to maintain your beautiful skin.

Experts at even recommend that you do this skin regimen twice a day, right after you wake up and right before you sleep.

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best ways to keep acne from plaguing your skin

How to Cleanse Your Skin
healthypores-best way to keep acne from plaguing your skin
Zits. The mere mention of the word brings terror to teenagers and grown-ups alike. They have a knack for appearing when you least like them to -- a day before prom night, hours before a blind date, and minutes before your center stage performance. This dreadful skin problem has neither mercy nor respect for anyone -- whether you're a hot celebrity or a regular teenager, getting a big, fat, pus-filled bump can happen to you. But instead of freaking out whenever you see one of these monsters creeping up your face, you should do something about it.

The bad news about acne is that there are about a dozen of reasons why they just pop almost out of nowhere. According to the skin care specialists at, acne occurs when a pore breaks down and blocks the oil within which causes the inflammation that results in acne.

Some of the well-known culprits of acne include improper diet, stress, overactive hormones, bacteria, vitamin deficiency, evolutionary biology, or a combination of all. The good news is that there are also about a gazillion things that can help you fight off acne and other unwanted skin problems. Since acne starts in the pores, keeping the pores clean is one of the best ways to keep acne from plaguing your skin.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Acne Treatment Products Prevent Acne Spots

Acne Treatment
If you’re looking for an effective acne treatment you have to start with simple biology. Your skin is the largest organ attached to your body and it helps eliminate waste. Therefore if you digest unhealthy foods then this will inevitably lead to unhealthy skin. Therefore a great acne treatment, maybe the best acne treatment, is simply eating a healthier diet.
Acne is a disease of the skin, and is one of the most common aggravations and causes of embarrassment in the world. Acne is caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous gland). When acne appears on the skin it does so in the form of lesions which are usually called pimples, spots or zits. And this is where the embarrassment and destruction of self-esteem rises from.
Because acne is such a prevalent problem for so many people, there are hundreds of types of acne treatments, maybe thousands of types of acne treatment available to those looking for relief.
If you are looking for a great acne treatment then you should focus on your diet. Doctors and other alternative healers say that diet is maybe the single greatest acne treatment. When I was younger I had severe acne and I know what pain, discomfort, and just plain embarrasment it caused me. I tried every acne treatment available but none of them really seemed to work.
I remember trying Retin-A which, at the time, was a very popular acne treatment (and available by prescription only). I remember rubbing the acne treatment Noxzema skin cream and Clearsil all over my face and feeling the cool breeze and then sometimes very painful burning sensation they caused. I tried every acne treatment at the time but absolutely nothing worked. I found out that, at the time, diet was the best acne treatment I could try. I found out that not eating processed foods and other junk foods was the way to go. It was hard at first, because I was absolutely addicted to junk food, fast food, processed name it. Before I changed my diet I was very worried that this natural acne treatment alternative of eating healthy was going to be too difficult for me to accomplish.
Changing my diet was much simpler than I thought. There were so many different types of foods that are a natural acne treatment that I was shocked and quite surprised. I can't say that it was fun at first, changing to this natural acne treatment, but it certainly was NOT miserable like I thought it was going to be.
I quit using the other acne treatments I had been slathering all over my face and decided that this natural acne treatment was the way to go. I felt like I could see the results in just a few weeks.
Now, if you are planning on starting your own acne treatment and have a goal of completely wiping out all of your acne then I’m sure you know that there are many acne treatments available. The only problem is, is that there are many, many acne treatment products for sale out there that offer a lot of promises but very little results. If you are looking for some guidelines on what a successful acne treatment will do for you it generally goes like this: positive acne treatments show little improvement within the first week or two; and then once the acne treatment has taken effect the acne starts to fade over approximately 3 months, after which the improvement starts to flatten out.
A combination of several acne treatments can greatly reduce the amount and severity of acne in many cases. But you have to be careful. Like my natural acne treatment of changing my diet, it helped, but it didn't completely cure it. It takes a combination of acne treatments to accomplish that goal. It all depends on your own goals and the home acne treatment products that you decide on. There are some types of acne treatment products out there that are very effective. Some types of acne treatment products that are not. You just have to use your head and choose based on what you think will be the best acne treatment for you.

Will Nelson is a dermatologist who lives in Dayton, Ohio with his wife and 2 sons. Learn more about acne, it's causes, and it's treatments by clicking here []

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best natural acne treatment

Tips For Best Natural Acne Treatment For Your Skincare Needs
By Patrick Uban
When you are looking for the best natural acne treatment there are multiple options depending on the type of acne situation you have. There are two main types of products which are considered the best acne treatment by both herbal and medical professionals.
The first of these options is acne treatment made of combination of some natural ingredients and chemicals. Mot people often refer to it as ‘acne medications’ because it’s often applied through directions of the manufacturer. After taking these products for a few days to a week you will be able to determine if they’ll work for you or if you need to find another acne treatment option.
The second is what I considered as 100% pure natural acne treatment. This formula will both help clear up your acne and improve your overall health as well. Many of these treatment options have vitamins and minerals that are necessary for your body in addition to antioxidants and acids that can help your body fight against infections.
Again, this type of natural acne treatment is often easier for the body to tolerate than chemical treatment.
However, let me add that you may go through a form of acne skin treatment that may not require any medication. By dieting right and using stress management tools you can also help to treat and prevent future acne breakouts.

Selecting the best natural acne treatment.
When it comes to selecting the most ideal acne treatment method, whether it is complete natural or mixture of herbal and chemical, there are 7 things you should consider to make sure it is the best natural acne treatment for you.
1. The first of these is a treatment method that helps regulate your hormones which can help your skin.
2. A product that helps eliminates any irregularities from your body that may lead to acne breakouts.
3. A products that help fight against internal organisms. Acne can only be fought from the inside out in some instances to have true prevention.
4. A product that can help control environmental elements. Even if this is just keeping moisturizer in your skin it will help your acne treatment.
5. A product that also has the ability to help build, fortify and strengthen the bodies own natural mechanisms.
6. Look for creams that can help solve the external factors.
7. Finally, find a product that can help maintain your results and keep you acne free. By finding these seven things in a product you will be able to have the best acne treatment to achieve cleansing and permanent cure.

Patrick Uban is currently operating a resource center that is daily updated - FREE and fresh ideas, opportunity to read latest true-life stories of those who overcame acne battle forever using a product called ClearPoresRX. How can you obtain this amazing product? Find out here now: []

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