Adult Acne Treatment Products

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get rid of acne with adult acne treatment products

Monday, November 12, 2007


All About Acne
by Clinic Gift

All About Acne

Acne occur as a result of disorder in the sebaceous gland, this gland is responsible for oil production. Major outbreak of Pimples or zits begin to surface (some call it lesions). This has been a major problem over the years with close to 20million people in the United States alone suffering from ACNE. It usually surface on the skin, the neck, shoulder and the face, where it causes major embarrassment. Acne could be mild or severe. Severe Acne causes real scares, complete alteration of one's beauty. If You have ever suffered it before you know the pain and embarrassments it carries along especially after trying all sorts of expensive cream without any positive outcome.

This could be very disheartening especially when possible solutions become as useless as possible. Doctors' advise seem not to work and all sorts of medications almost aggravated the problem.

Lies about acne

1. Acne treatment must be expensive:

This is one of the stupid lies that flies around about Acne treatment. The use of heavily medicated cleansers are not in anyway the solution to Acne problems. Sometimes they aggravate the problems on ground. care is very much needed in choosing and taking the solutions that are available.

2. Chocolate and oily foods:

There has no research proven the existence of this. therefore it remain vague. No doubt too much of chocolate can add the Acne problems but chocolate solely is not in anyway responsible for Acne. A well balanced diet is ok.

3. Stress cause acne:

This is not really true. Stress stimulate the body enzyme and immune systems to cause a stimulation of the oil glands.

4. Fried foods cause acne:

Excess fried foods causes us to gain weight. However, fried foods have not been shown to be related to causing acne. In fact, there are no specific foods that cause acne. including chocolate.

5. Acne contagious:

No, acne is not contagious. Scratching can spread it to other parts of your body or face. Washing both hands and face on a regular basis and not picking at acne lesions will decrease the likelihood of new acne lesions developing.

What Causes ACNE?

Two or more factors can cause

The most common causes of acne are an increased production of sebaceous material due to hormone imbalance or side effects of stress that cause an overproduction of sebaceous material.

However, almost always with the occurrence of acne, there is also a related phenomenon called retention keratosis. These two big words actually refer to the lining cells of the sebaceous duct not shedding properly and staying in place for a longer period of time.

This builds up like rust in a pipe until the duct is closed or blocked. When this happens, it sets events occurring that proceed to inflammation or an irritation underneath the surface of the skin. If one imagines that the sebaceous duct were a small stream that got plugged up, it causes a backup of everything upstream from the direction of flow.

Treatments For ACNE The main goal of acne treatment is to prevent scarring.

1. Increase the variety of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds in your diet

Create delicious smoothies and juices from ripe fruit, have at least one salad every day - even just as a side dish - with your main meal, and snack on nuts and dried fruits

2. Drink plenty of water every day. Aim to drink at least two litres of still mineral water

Dryness of skin can also lead to blockage resulting in further Acne

3. Supplements & super foods

Sometimes it's not possible to get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients required to obtain and maintain clear skin

4. Avoid chemical products on your skin

At least you have tried it and has refused to wok. try the natural methods.

5. Reduce your intake of caffeine

Caffeine increases the levels of stress hormones in the body and can aggravate acne. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and other stimulant containing drinks

6. Keep your linen clean

You should remember to wash your linen- Do this very often to eradicate all acne possibilities.

7. Eat and drink healthy

As much as possible, cut down on the amount of sugary foods and drinks you consume. It will reduce your acne problems a great deal.

8. Also you are expected to consult your Dermatologists who knows about your conditions very well.

About the Author
You can read more on All About Acne on There are several other ways to prevent, cure and stop acne in 24-72hours. Get more on acne at free,no strings attached.

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Best Acne Treatments

Best Acne Treatments - For Mild, Moderate and Severe Cases
by Trevor Mulholland

The best acne treatments for various case levels differ in their formulation and in how they work. When it comes to pimple solutions, some medications work by killing the acne-causing bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, while others work by preventing inflammation. Some manipulate the activities of hormones and some normalize the shedding of dead skin cells to prevent pore blockage.

To know the best acne treatments for your kind of acne, take a look at the list below.
1. Non-inflammatory. Acne that is non-inflammatory or comedonal is considered a mild form of the condition. It can be either closed comedo or whitehead, or open comedo, which is also known as whitehead. For such conditions, topical ointments are often the preferred form of treatment. Antibacterials that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can be used. Another option that can be explored is topical retinoids. These ointments are typically applied to the affected area to induce the destruction of P. acnes and prevent the pimple from getting inflamed and getting worse.

2. Inflammatory. This is also called mild papules, often characterized by redness on and around the area where the pimple appears. For inflammatory conditions, topical retinoids and antibacterials with benzoyl peroxide are the most commonly used treatment. Topical antibiotics are also common when dealing with this kind of acne. These medications are primarily used to ease the inflammation and kill the bacteria in the skin.

3. Moderate inflammation. This is a level slightly higher than mere inflammatory acne. Like mild inflammation, topical antibacterials with benzoyl peroxide and topical retinoids are used. The topical treatments are often combined with oral antibiotics. The use of the combined therapy is usually monitored closely by skin experts since using both might cause the bacteria to build a resistance against the treatment.

4. Severe acne. Severe inflammatory acne is often treated with strongly formulated topical medications like Isotretinoin, a form of retinoid derived from vitamin A. Another option, specifically for women, is the use of oral contraceptives. The use of both options should be discussed first with a dermatologist, since both carry potential adverse effects.

5. Acne resistant to oral and topical treatments. If oral and topical medications do not work, a more advanced procedure might be used, such as laser therapy. Laser therapy burns away the oil-producing sebaceous glands and kills the acne-causing bacteria. Photodynamic therapy, or the use of blue-violet light, is another option being explored by dermatologists. Initial studies have shown that this form of treatment can reduce acne lesion by up to 70 percent. The use of photodynamic procedure, though, is yet to be established as a safe and accepted acne treatment and is rarely suggested by skin experts.

The best acne treatments can only be called "best" if they really work for the patient. Each level of condition requires a different treatment; and making the decision as to what is best for you should be done with the help of a dermatologist.

About the Author
Get clear skin now with 10 free tips provided by, a popular acne fighting website that provides tips, advice and resources to include information on acne solutions that really work to relieve your skin blemishes.

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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Adult Acne Treatment

Acne in Adults

Acne is almost always associated with teenagers. Clinical studies show that almost 85% of teens have to deal with the hassle of living with acne. By the tender age of 10, a teenager may already develop this skin problem that stays for at least five years; in some cases, acne begins disappearing only after the tenth year or once the individual reaches his twenties.

But adults are not spared from developing acne because most often, just when older people think they've leaped from the acne stage, pimples of all sizes begin to sprout on their faces, usually occurring during their late twenties to fifties. Though acne among adults is less ordinary, averaging only to 8%, many people tend to link it to poor hygiene. However, it is important to understand that poor hygiene is not at all responsible for adult acne; overactive hormones are. These hormones signal the active glands to secrete excessive oily substance that in turn contribute to developing acne.

Attached to every hair follicle is a gland called sebaceous, which produces sebum, the greasy substance. Sebum is, of course, helpful as it maintains the skin's moisture naturally. But it becomes a problem when too much of it is produced by sebaceous glands largely because of an imbalance in the hormonal levels. When the skin has an excessive amount of sebum along with some dead skin cells, the skin pores get blocked. Clogged pores, in turn, produce blackheads, whiteheads, and the more serious, bacteria-afflicted pimples-- cysts and nodules.

According to, a certain bacterium known as Propionibacterium thrives on an individual's skin without causing any harm but when too much amount of oil is present, it produces enzymes and chemicals that harm an inflamed skin. In such case, pimples, cysts, and nodules suddenly appear. If left untreated, all these leave permanent and deep scars that are sad reminders of an adult-acne stage.

It is important to note that too many factors affect the hormonal changes in every body; one of these is the overall condition of the environment like pollution, air, ultraviolet rays, or water and food intake. More so, as stated in, a large sum of the food available today has growth steroids (milk and other dairy products) and pesticide (fruits and veggies); there are also genetically produced food products that are quite harmful to the body. Other contributing factors include constant and too harsh skin rubbing and scrubbing, pricking blemishes, stress, female reproductive cycle, and intake of contraceptive pills and other drugs.

But acne can be a thing of the past if treated immediately and appropriately. There are several acne treatment products today in the market, which include facial wash, cream, and capsules. But knowing how these products are used should be the individual's responsibility.

Thoroughly cleansing the skin's outer layer should be the first step of treating acne. But thoroughly does not mean scrubbing the skin so hard that it almost becomes reddish. Scrubbing too hard not only harms the skin but also aggravates acne. This is because rubbing and scrubbing too vigorously can rupture lesion, cause scars, spread the bacteria, damage blood vessels, damage skin tissue, and stretch the skin.

Furthermore, it would be helpful to find a product that has salicylic acid as an active ingredient; an example of this kind of skin products is Healthy Pores Facial Wash. Salicylic acid has been used several ages ago to treat lots of skin problems. This prompted medical experts to include the ingredient to modern skin products. According to a study done by Healthy Pores, a 2% worth of salicylic acid greatly performs in unclogging pores. Thus, regular usage of a product with the said ingredient is guaranteed to have a more glowing and healthier skin since the trapped whiteheads and blackheads are already eliminated.

The product with tea tree oil concentrate such as Healthy Pores Cream is also found to be an effective remedy to acne. Being an antibacterial agent, this kind of item kills harmful bacteria thriving on the skin's exterior, thus allowing skin cells to grow. Many claim that tea tree oil is an effective agent especially after a study on the effectiveness of this herbal ingredient was made by a prime skin expert in Australia. He found out that tea tree oil is a potent anti-acne ingredient because users are guaranteed to experience minimal side effects.

It is also recommended to balance the hormonal levels of an individual prone to developing acne. Balancing overactive hormones means dictating the sebaceous glands to secrete only an adequate amount of sebum. Skin experts have now launched lots of organic supplements that cater to this purpose. According to, several potent ancient ingredients were formulated to come up with nutritional capsules that allow the body to get rid of toxins, improve the nervous system, and balance the hormonal levels-- all of which contribute to eradicating stubborn acne.

Many have experienced acne in their youth and surely, they do not wish to have a repeat of the sorry experiences they had --the incidents avoiding the mirror, the decline in their self-confidence, and the deep marks of lesions. It is always best to treat acne during its early stages not when there is not enough space for pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads to grow on.

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Different Types of Acne

A large sum of the human population is not endowed with perfect, radiant skin and unfortunately, many are not only unblessed with beautiful skin; they are even afflicted with acne. According to, a whopping 95% of the population are candidates for developing this stubborn skin problem. With this scenario, there is this sudden upsurge of acne treatments in the market such as Healthy Pores, which is made up of ancient herbal ingredients. But before purchasing and using an acne remedy, one has to identify the type of acne they have.

The ordinary, long-standing notion people have today is that having large, pus-filled pimples is most commonly referred to acne. This idea is partly correct but acne is not always limited to pimples. Sadly, there are a number of acne types today that ordinary people are not aware of. Being ignorant of the types, they commonly don't know that the bumps forming on their necks, faces, or backs are actually a manifestation of developing acne.

Though all acne types start in a similar way, that is having excessive oil substance or sebum, inviting bacteria, clogging skin pores, and forming obvious bumps, these types differ in their severity and form. For better classification, acne types are divided into three--acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, and the severe type.

The most ordinary type of acne, acne vulgaris, is divided into moderate and severe categories. Under the first classification are the whiteheads, which are formed due to the combination of excessive oil, cellular fragments, and bacteria. Because whiteheads are not so much exposed and completely trapped in the follicle, they cannot oxygenate, so they turn into a brownish color. At once, they will turn into a light hue, sometimes yellowish lump which is scientifically called milium. Whiteheads often happen due to a frequent cellular exfoliation that can clog the pores.

Like whiteheads, blackheads are a mixture of oil, dead cells, and bacteria, only they are partially clogged in the pores. As such, blackheads are more exposed to oxygen that enables them to turn dark. It also takes longer time to totally eliminate the blackheads as they are more stubborn as compared to whiteheads.

Meanwhile, papules are characterized by small, pinkish or reddish bumps that are most commonly inflamed. These bumps give a feeling of roughness on the entire skin and may leave scars when pricked. Another acne vulgaris's types are pustules, which are large, irritated, pus-filled bumps. People with pustules are advised not to prick them; otherwise, they will leave permanent marks. Dermatologists, by the way, are the only ones who can work on pustules using sterilized devices.

Acne vulgaris types, which cover severe include cysts and nodules, are a little painful and relatively larger than the earlier mentioned. Cysts are pus-filled lumps with a size of 5mm, which if squeezed could lead to severe irritation and scars. Meanwhile, as stated in, nodules are huge lumps found beneath the surface of the skin, which if attended to by a non-medical practitioner may aggravate the lesions and cause severe scarring.

Now, acne rosacea is more like vulgaris; however, this only occupies the face's third middle part especially the nose, cheeks, and forehead. Generally, a large percentage of the million people with rosacea are women in their 30s and above but ironically, it is the men who mostly have the severe cases. Those who have it develop rashes and swollen skin and during some instances, blood vessels may become more visible. But since rosacea is normally mistaken for vulgaris, it will not hurt to immediately consult a dermatologist before the condition climb up to the more severe rhinophyma.

All the mentioned acne types, of course, leave the afflicted individuals with physical and psychological repercussions that most often bring embarrassing moments. But what is considered more harsh are the severe types, which include acne fulminans, acne conglobata, pyoderma faciale, and gram-negative folliculitis.

An individual with acne fulminans has an extreme case of nodulocystic and tendencies of severe scarring. It is the young men who are most likely to get afflicted by acne fulminans along with joint fever and ache.

On the other hand, acne conglobata occurs more frequently to men and usually starts appearing anytime between the ages of 18 to 30. Those who are afflicted have several connected, huge lesions with blackheads forming on the chest, face, upper arms, thighs, back, and buttocks. Acne conglobata leaves serious, even permanent damages such as large, deep scars. This can be treated, though at several instances medications might be repelled. But continuous treatment can control acne conglobata's progression.

Meanwhile, pyoderma faciale leaves the afflicted with severe types of lesions, pustules, and nodules that are concentrated on his face and can leave great scars. Trivially, this condition only occurs to women averagely aging between 20 and 40 and is also possible to the ladies who have not had any kind of acne before. Pyoderma faciale starts abruptly but ends in less than a year.

Finally, gram-negative folliculitis is typified as a bacterial complication of cysts and pustules due to an extensive treatment of vulgaris. It's not yet known which gender is more prone to having this condition but medical experts agree that this is a unique case of acne.

Having acne definitely limits one's self-esteem. So, during the early signs of acne, it is advised to treat the condition right away because acne left untreated leaves a lifetime of damage. Solutions like Healthy Pores are good options since these kinds of treatment already help prevent the sources of the problem and cleanse the skin, thus avoiding the experience of one or more of the previously mentioned forms of acne.

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Foods for Healthy Skin

Foods for Healthy Skin

Beautiful skin has always been envied that almost everybody makes their way to maintaining a healthy-looking one, ranging from using a basic cleanser to engaging in facial surgeries. But there are three practical ways to maintaining the skin's splendor: identifying the skin type, treating skin problems the moment they show, and establishing a daily skin regimen. For some, a daily skin regimen means facial wash-toner-cream-routine while others have a more unique practice-- that is, veggies-spices-fruits-itinerary.

There are foods that are not only good to chew but also healthy to apply on the skin because of their natural potency to nourish the bodies inside and out. Long before the emergence of commercial beauty skin products such as Healthy Pores Facial Wash, traditional methods of cleansing the skin have been applied in the earlier ages. There were no bottles of facial cleanser and cotton balls yet so it was more customary to gather herbs and other botanicals to maintain the skin's luster. Now, many have adapted this traditional method of rummaging through kitchens and refrigerators to look for veggies, fruits, juices, and spices to pat on the skin for a healthier glow.

There are foods that are potent in keeping the skin's moisture and one of these is almond. These nuts are commonly found in chocolates and salads, but only a few know that they can also remedy dry skin. Almond powder blended with water makes up an oil that, if applied on the skin, can provide moisture and erase old pimple scars. Another food in this category is honey, which is not only good on the skin but also on the entire body. If applied with water, honey can keep the skin's glow and moisture evident. Further, for a better complexion, honey can be applied with yogurt, pounded sesame seeds, and milk. Similar to almonds and honey, is also ideal for maintaining the skin's glow by just rubbing the fresh fruit on the skin. It can also treat acne, whiteheads, and black spots.

Preventing facial skin problems is as good as treating them. So, to decrease the tendencies of developing pimples, blackheads, wrinkles, and skin dryness, the paste of fenugreek leaves or boiled seeds can be applied on the skin with water. Now, if preventive measures fail and skin inflammation and itching stubbornly occur, the kitchen can still be the best place for finding treatments. For example, an apple's fruit juice is an aid to those who are suffering from skin problems such as irritation and itching. Apricot has more or less the same effect, which is evident in lots of commercial skin products today with this ingredient. But apricot's optimum effectiveness is also best maximized when used raw because its juice is efficient in healing sunburn, eczema, and itching.

Having wrinkles is also one of the most common problems today especially among older women but to avoid having such marks, it is advisable to apply green apple juice on the skin. The tropical fruit pineapple, meanwhile, removes wrinkles not only by scrubbing its juice on the skin but also the fruit's core. One will notice that aside from treating wrinkles, pineapple is also helpful in medicating other skin problems.

When dark areas below the eyes are the problem, the perennial solution is always a pair of sliced cucumber. But unknown to many, cucumber juice with carrot juice, alfalfa, or lettuce can also treat skin lesions. Aside from cucumber, the dark spots below the eyes can also be treated with turmeric paste and pineapple juice. Meanwhile, for healing minor skin problems, it is advisable to pair the paste with whole wheat or gram flour.

The adage "You are what you eat" should be taken with much thought since how well the skin looks manifests how healthy one's diet is. As such, eating foods rich with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, antioxidant, zinc, and healthy oil is essential in keeping a younger-looking skin. For one, sunflower seeds have Vitamin E that's a key player in preventing skin sagging and wrinkles. This is because Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that slows down the skin cells' maturation. Also available nowadays, kiwi has a great amount of Vitamin C that maintains the skin's collagen. With Vitamin C intact in the body system, the skin becomes firmer and more radiant. Like kiwi, turkey meat firms the skin with its high amount of zinc that maintains skin's elastin fiber and collagen.

Furthermore, drinking an adequate amount of water a day, about 8 to 10 glasses, keeps the skin cells hydrated. As such, toxins are moved out from the body and the cells are regenerated. However, if water is insufficient in the body, impurities build up and decelerate the skin's youthful glow. Still, it is not sound to take sodas and other beverages in place of water because these are not as healthy and pure. A better replacement would be black or green tea, which also has phytonutrients and anti-acne antioxidants.

According to, only 5% of the human population is gifted with a perfect skin and these people are the least likely to develop skin problems such as stubborn acne. But whatever beauty routine one may choose, be it an all-natural wash or a combination of veggies and fruits, a healthy skin regimen should always include nutritious food in every meal. With the inclusion of healthy foods in the daily skin regimen, that 5% will possibly balloon into a bigger percentage.

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Cleanse Your Skin

How to Cleanse Your Skin

Zits. The mere mention of the word brings terror to teenagers and grown-ups alike. They have a knack for appearing when you least like them to -- a day before prom night, hours before a blind date, and minutes before your center stage performance. This dreadful skin problem has neither mercy nor respect for anyone -- whether you're a hot celebrity or a regular teenager, getting a big, fat, pus-filled bump can happen to you. But instead of freaking out whenever you see one of these monsters creeping up your face, you should do something about it.

The bad news about acne is that there are about a dozen of reasons why they just pop almost out of nowhere. According to the skin care specialists at, acne occurs when a pore breaks down and blocks the oil within which causes the inflammation that results in acne.

Some of the well-known culprits of acne include improper diet, stress, overactive hormones, bacteria, vitamin deficiency, evolutionary biology, or a combination of all. The good news is that there are also about a gazillion things that can help you fight off acne and other unwanted skin problems. Since acne starts in the pores, keeping the pores clean is one of the best ways to keep acne from plaguing your skin.

Why do you need to keep your skin clean?

First and foremost, the skin is the outermost layer of the body and is essentially its first line of defense against various elements. It covers approximately 19 square feet, so it's more or less the largest organ of your body. What's more, the skin (particularly that on the face) is the first thing people see when they look at you, so it's really important that you keep it clean, smooth, and acne-free. The only way you can do that is if you follow a good skin regimen.

The truth is that there is only one good skin regimen and it includes three (sometimes four) steps: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. These three skin care steps are the basics, and they should be done everyday if you really want to maintain your beautiful skin. Experts at even recommend that you do this skin regimen twice a day, right after you wake up and right before you sleep.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Proper Cleansing

1. Remove your makeup before washing your face.

Most cleansers work better and more efficiently if your face is thoroughly wet. Removing your makeup ensures that the oils in the cosmetics would not repel water and allow the cleanser to reach a good lather. You can do this by using baby oil or makeup remover on cotton balls and rubbing the makeup lightly off your face.

2. Wash your face thoroughly using lukewarm or room-temperature water.

Never wash your face with water that is too hot or too cold. Extreme temperatures can break capillaries, dehydrate skin, or even aggravate pimples. Studies also show that there is a marked improvement between the effectiveness of cleansers used with water of the right temperature over those that were applied with hot or cold water.

3. Use a gentle anti-acne cleanser specially formulated for your skin type.

If you have hypersensitive skin, you should choose a product that is mild and hypoallergenic. Meanwhile, if you have very oily skin, you might want to choose something that's slightly stronger than your regular cleanser. If you're uncertain about what kind of product to use, you should consult your dermatologist first or just go for one of those dermatologist-tested products that are good for any skin type like the Healthy Pores acne system.

4. Apply a small amount of cleanser on your face.

Pour a pea-sized amount of cleanser on your wet palms and lather it before applying on your face. Since most cleansers are concentrated, they can dehydrate your face and strip it of necessary moisture. Diluting it with water activates its ingredients and allows it to be spread evenly on your face.

Cleansers like Healthy Pores have microbeads loaded with antibacterial agents that act like scrubs so let it work for you. Most people think that the more they scrub, the more dirt they can get off their faces. This is wrong. Not only do they risk breaking capillaries, but scrubbing can also aggravate acne by pushing dirt and bacteria deeper into the pores. What you should do is massage the lather or foam onto your face in a gentle circular motion. This facilitates the blood flow in your face which improves your complexion while allowing the ingredients of your cleanser to penetrate deep in your skin.

5. Rinse your face completely and pat it dry.

Rinse your face with lukewarm running water thoroughly. Although trusted cleansers like Healthy Pores have easy-rinse formulations, it is best to ensure that you thoroughly wash your face of any trace of foam or lather. Not doing so might leave residues behind that can block your pores and aggravate your acne. After rinsing the cleanser off, use a soft, clean towel to dry your face. Never rub the towel on your face as though you are removing stubborn dirt. Just pat it dry with a non-abrasive towel.

If you are using a skin care system like Healthy Pores, you could follow this cleansing ritual with a special toner and moisturizer. Remember that when choosing a toner and a moisturizer, you should go for the ones that are compatible with your cleanser and your skin. However, if you are using a skin care system such as Healthy Pores, product incompatibility should not be a problem.

Now that you know how to properly cleanse your face, acne would surely become the least of your worries. Always keep in mind that a clean skin is a beautiful skin.

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